Donate to MeWater!

At the MeWater Foundation, we have witnessed first-hand how exposure to the ocean and nature have the power to educate, inspire, and empower. We address trauma and stress in young people from backgrounds of poverty and violence through access to the ocean and parks. 

Mother Nature has the incredible power to educate, heal, inspire, and empower and we share that abundant source with those who need it most so they can access it forever. We are making a difference. Every day. One child at a time.

Support for our families and our surf camps is only possible through donations and sponsorships. MeWater is grateful for any donation amount.  

Summer is our jam, as we reach the most kids and families

This summer looks like another great one, as we have increased our number of camps and expanded our work with incredible new community partners. Our programming creates an experience for our youth to get outside and be kids, all at their own speed and desire. We aim to open up Mother Nature as their canvas, and we are here to help support them create whatever experience they feel like having. This simplicity is the beauty of MeWater. It is their time outside, and we help them facilitate and explore joy, all on their terms. The results are magical, and we are lucky to be along for the ride!

Help us raise $75,000 for our expanded Summer Programs and reach our goal of serving 900 youth this summer

Our camps are only possible through support from our community.

One-Time Donation

The MeWater Pipeline - Recurring Donation

The MeWater Pipeline was established for supporters who would like to contribute to MeWater on a recurring monthly basis. It goes without saying how truly special it is to be a part of such an amazing community of unconditional givers. If you would like to make a one-time donation to MeWater, or join the MeWater Monthly Giving Pipeline, please select below.

Our growth is only possible with the support of our donors and supporters. We are grateful for your donations that will help us create lifelong relationships with our MeWater youth and families.
Your donation will go straight to the families that need our support! 

With our heartfelt thanks,
Eddie and Tim


You can make a difference. MeWater is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. We rely on support from our community to provide youth with a positive outlet to explore and experience the magic of mother nature.